Updated 5/8/20
Below are answers to a few questions we've received about our church due to the Coronavirus concerns.
(We will be communicating on a week-by-week basis regarding future scheduling of services and events)
1. Are We Still Having Church Services?
All weekly services are going to be held online via livestream for the time being.
This Week's Schedule:
Midweek Service
(Wednesdays at 7:00 PM)
Meet Online via Livestream
Adult Bible Classes
(Sundays at 10:00 AM)
Meet Online via Zoom
Sunday Morning Service
(Sundays at 11:00 AM)
Meet Online via Livestream
Sunday Evening Service
(Sundays at 6:30 PM)
Meet Online via Livestream
2. How Can I Reach Out For Help?
We are here for you during this troublesome time. If you have a spiritual need or would like someone to pray for/with you, please let us know by connecting with us below.
3. How Can I Serve?
In the place of our Saturday outreach time, we want to take an opportunity to help serve our church family and our friends in a number of ways. Click the link below for a list of serving opportunities to choose from.
4. How Can I Give An Offering?
We encourage you to continue your regular giving patterns in love and trust. We know that God will continue to be faithful to us and through us. Being that we are not gathering, you can engage in giving in the following ways:

5. How Can I Stay Updated?
If you would like to stay updated, make sure to follow us on Social media.
Remember to be in prayer for one another as well as those who have been affected by the Coronavirus.
We will miss gathering in person, but we can’t wait to see how many of you engage on livestream and how many of our friends will do the same! God is at work around us and in our world.
Let us know how we can serve you!