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Back To Church Plan
Updated: Thursday, September 17th, 2020
Although our doors have been reopened for in person attendance, things are a little different to help accommodate the social distancing guidelines. Below is our stated plan for church services and ministries at Victory:
What To Expect:
- Our greeters will be wearing gloves to open the main entrance doors and our auditorium doors will be propped open.
- We will not have nursery care available.
- There will be no children’s church.
- Families will be encouraged to sit together and social distancing will be followed with seating spread out in the auditorium.
- We will not have a handshaking time.
- The offering plates will not be passed but rather placed towards the back for you to give on your way out.
- Masks are encouraged but not required.
Sunday Morning Service
- There are two morning worship services at 9:00 & 11:00AM until further notice.
- We are encouraging those at risk, which are senior citizens and those with underlying health conditions to attend the 9:00AM service.
- For those at risk and watching at home, our 11:00 AM worship service is the only morning service livestreamed.
Adult Bible Classes
- As of Sunday, September 13th, our Adult Bible Classes have resumed meeting in person on Sundays at 10am.
Sunday Evening Service
- As of Sunday, September 13th, we have resumed meeting for our Sunday Evening Service at 6:30 PM.
Midweek Service
- In person attending is also available for our Midweek Service.
- The teen ministry are back to having Youth Action Nights on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Faith Bible Institute
- The Faith Bible Institute meets in person on Mondays at 6:30pm.
Reformers Unanimous
- The RU addictions program is now meeting in person on Fridays at 7pm.
Saturday Outreach
- Our Saturday outreach time is cancelled until further notice.
Other FAQ
- If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at
- Livestreams for all services are available on our Website, Facebook, or YouTube.
We’re excited that we get to meet in person again, and we can’t wait to see you, back to Church!
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